AmirAli Toghani

About me

I completed my undergraduate studies in Horticultural Sciences and Engineering with a minor in Biotechnology at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT). Throughout my undergraduate journey, I engaged in various research initiatives, including effector discovery in the wheat fungal pathogen Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. My time at IUT culminated in my bachelor's thesis, "The Effect of Environmental Factors on Phalaenopsis Orchid Flowering."

Given my passion for immunology and plant-microbe interactions, following my graduation in 2021, I started a new chapter at TSL with the Kamoun Lab as a pre-doctoral student. I contributed to various projects during my pre-doc, from tissue-specific transcriptomics of plant NLRs and computational structural biology to phylogenomics and motif analyses in plant CC-type NLRs. In 2023, I started my PhD with the Kamoun Lab. I continue to build on my pre-doctoral research while exploring new avenues in studying the evolution of plant immune receptors.

NbNRC2 homodimer
NbNRC2 homodimer. PDB: 8RFH